Andrea Tilsley

Andrea Tilsley

Kingdom Stories

I teach young and old how to become immortal and take over the world.

Saving souls is my passion and teaching people how to grow the Kingdom online sets my heart on fire.

Wherever I go I love listening to stories of how Father has saved people and helped them through tough situations and I love sharing those stories with you! Come along and listen to the stories of what God has done for our brothers and sisters in the faith and be encouraged in your walk with our Father.

When I’m not at my day job in clinical research I manage the operations and social media for PVC Radio. I love going on our weekend outreaches, praying for people to be healed from their afflictions, praying deliverance and for people to be filled with the Spirit of God. We’ve seen some awe inspiring things and I love sharing them with you.


"But they overcame him by that blood of that Lamb, and by that word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death" Revelations 12:11