Claude de Villiers

Claude de Villiers

Evangelism and Good News

Tune in to learn more about the Good News and how it relates to your life.

When I’m not at home with my wife and daughter I’m out in the field doing outreaches, teaching on the Word of God, praying for people to be set free from strongholds and illnesses and for them to be filled with the Spirit of God.

I love working in the Kingdom, seeking the lost and setting people free in Yeshua’s Name.

On my program, Evangelism and Good News Stories, I aim to put flesh onto the stories in the Bible to help us to understand what exactly is written about. How did it look for a leper to come to Jesus for healing? What are the things that they would’ve had to face and overcome?

Tune in to learn more about the Good News, how it relates to you and your life.


Click here for Claude’s testimony
