Marcel du Preez

Marcel du Preez

Blessings Spoken

How much can blessings spoken really impact your life? 

Like the well-know Amazing Grace Hymn goes: I once was lost, but now I am found.

I have been married for 25 years and have 2 daughters and 1 grand daughter.

My wife led me to salvation 27 years ago and I have always had a passion for people.

I was involved in a soup kitchen for 10 years and was part of a school feeding scheme for 5. We started  to live according to the fullness of the Word as a family in 2012 and as a family we have moved from a cursed life to a blessed one by adhering to Elohim`s instructions. We have been set free from bloodline curses from both sides of the family. I have been taught some valuable biblical lessons through pets to understand our Fathers heart towards us.

Over time I have come to understand the value of spoken blessings in our lives towards one another. In my program “Blessings Spoken” I will be looking at he the blessings spoken in the Word and how much of an impact it made on the people over whom they were spoken.
