Rewon Brider

Rewon Brider

Foundations of Faith

Come and learn about the scandalous love and forgiveness God gives through His Son Jesus Christ.

One of my greatest passions in life is biblical Theology.

I love learning about the bible, the ancient cultures in which these ancient text were written. How God revealed Himself and how these truths relate to us in the modern world.

My second great passion overshadows all else in my life…. simply having a relationship with the God who created it all, and seeing others enter into that same relationship. My program will focus more on this second passion, but it will be informed by the first.

Come and learn about the scandalous love and forgiveness God gives through His Son Jesus Christ.

"We should so work as if we were to be saved by our works; and so rely on Jesus Christ, as if we did no works.”- Francis Asbury.