Tertius Britz

Tertius Britz

Evangelism and Good News Stories

Join us on this journey as we spread His Word and help gather the harvest for His Glorious Name!

Walking with Yeshua and expanding His Kingdom is such a great call and privilege. None of us deserve Him or what He has done for us. Yet He choose to work through us.

Through His endless love, He calls each one of us out of darkness into His marvelous light. What an amazing honour. But what I always tell people is: “You have to want this walk with Him. You have to want Yeshua and to be with Him.” Yeshua already did His part. We have to do our part now.

Walking with Yeshua is not boring. It is the best walk there is. People get to hear about Him and see Him touching the sick, broken hearted and setting the captives free.

Getting out of a life of addiction and so many other bad things with the help of Yeshua and His Holy Spirit, I found my purpose by evangelising to people, sharing my testimony and the good news that there is hope for all of us and praying for the sick to get healed.

So join us on this journey as we spread His Word and help gather the harvest for His Glorious Name!

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Mat 9:37-38