Wilhelm Schafer

Wilhelm Schafer

Let Torah Talks

I love it to disciple old and young in the Truth, the Way and the Life of the Gospel of Yashua Mashiach at every opportunity.

By the grace of Elohim, I Wilhelm Schafer, the smallest in the kingdom of Elohim, have the opportunity to live a disciple driven live. As a disciple of Yashua myself I have the privilege to be taught daily by the Ruach Ha Amess.

And as a believer in the Elohim of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I disciple old and young in the truth, the way and the life of the Gospel of Yashua Mashiach at every opportunity.

I firmly believe in the words that Paul spoke:

2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is breathed by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for setting straight, for instruction in righteousness.